The Ionik Science

Previously known as Kit Core Labs


Imprinted Creams, Fluids & Oils

With our technology less becomes more.

Therapeutic salves, creams, waters and tinctures all have the potential to become more active when enhanced by our bioenergetic organic technology.

Our independent studies demonstrates our process frees naturally occurring electrons.

Thanks to our technology, we can absorb these electrons into our cells more easily and experience the benefits.

  • -  Less inflammation.

  • -  Greater pain relief.

  • -  Increased natural energy

  • -  Greater mental clarity.

  • -  Increased efficacy of the product.

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Imprinted Fabric & ion Energy

We test greater in electron activity & strength testing in fabric exposed to our technology vs. name-brand athletic clothing.

More Electrons = More Negative Ions.

What this means for you:

  • Greater Flexibility

  • Increased Strength

  • Faster Recovery Time

  • Improved Sleep

We work with such fabrics as polyester, hemp, bamboo, cotton, silk and more.

Imagine achieving more while doing less.

Wearable Bioenergetic Organic Technology from KitCore Labs:

Welcome to the best of you.

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bioenergetically enhanced neck gaiter: negative ion protection

A lifetime of research exists regarding negative ions and their benefits.

Negative Ions have been researched to be:

  1. Anti-viral

  2. Anti-bacterial

  3. Air purifying potential

What better protection to wear than a facial covering that provides negative ion benefits.


The Difference We Make

Brain-body communication occurs through 5 types of receptors. Harmonious function of all 5 types of receptors is called your central integrated state. Competitive vendors typically effect just 1 type of receptor, this is not only limited but may also create imbalances within receptor functionality.

Our technology works on all 5 types of receptors; supporting their harmonious function and thus improving your central integrated state. Truly supporting the best you can be.


Summary of independant lab studies

We work hard to test, validate and demonstrate the beneficial impact out technology offers. Herein is our report of findings for the 5 main methods we have used to analyze our technology.