We take great products & make them greater.

Make almost any item, a therapeutic item with negative ion enhancement.

Our Technology: 

Ionik (previously known as Kit Core Labs) was founded through a lifetime of research in functional neurology by Dr Stephen Kit Taylor, DABCN.  Our technology uses a safe low-level frequencies to energetically improve, transform and enhance just about any object, material, fluid or product. Our independent testing has shown increased negative ion activity, reduced inflammation and increased muscular strength. Our research team has concluded our process as the potential to increase absorption, efficacy and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Our quality control testing methods include validated through FDA recognized and approved testing procedures, and have shown an immediate increase in muscular strength, a reduction in pain and an increase in absorption by over 30%.

Examples of items imprinted with our bioenergetic technology: clothing, bedding, reusable water bottles, irrigation supplies, medicinal tinctures, supplements, creams and salves.

Materials We Work With:


Activate & Amplify the win potential of your favorite product.

Frequency based technology.

No foreign material is added to the product.

Proven to increase negative ions.

Smooths natural wave forms thereby increasing absorption & utilization.

Improves the mind-body biofeedback connection.

Improves muscular strength.

Proven to increase absorption.

Improve The Performance Of Your Product

How it works: Independent lab studies have shown products enhanced with our technology give away increased amounts of negative ions. When this comes in contact with the body a cascade of healing potential begins.

What this means: Negative ions increase therapeutic energy when, where & how you need it. Electrons are needed to sustain life at the cellular level and aid recovery and in-vivo receptor communication.

Negative Ions have been studied for over 100 years, giving you:

• Greater Flexibility • Increased Strength
• Reduced Pain • Reduced Inflammation
• Faster Recovery Time • Improved Sleep

  • Incorporated anywhere in the manufacturing process of your product.

  • Our technology is stable for the life of the product.

We have supported and satisfied thousands of clients including NFL football players, surfers, athletes, physicians and consumer savvy gurus.

Raise Your Set Point.

Experience You At Your Best


Our Mission

Founded with a passion for integrity, simplicity and affordability, our goal is to see all of humanity rise to their fullest potential.

Our Advantages:

Competitive pricing.

Greater results.

Simple application without disrupting the manufacturing process.

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Take Action

Ready to take the next step? Contact us now to find out what the next steps are to making your product even greater.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

This is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. See 21CFR740.10